
TODAY'S TURN: Become a money changer

Thousands of years ago, Roman coins could have passed through some unsavory hands. Tax collectors, corrupt senators, pirates, slave owners - even this guy. How ironic is it that today these same coins could save the lives of children?

This is just plain cool: At the Child Health Site Store, you can buy an ancient Roman coin for $10. Each coin you buy funds health services to save or improve the lives of 4.5 children. (Sounds curiously uber-accurate and a bit unfair to that 5th kid.)

The Child Health Site partners with non-profits that service millions of kids around the world. The biggest chunks of cash go to Vitamin A distribution, AIDS care, dehydration treatment, cataract and trachoma surgeries to reverse blindness, and leg and foot prosthetics for landmine victims.

These bronze coins were found in Israel and date somewhere between the 1st and 4th century. So they're pretty old.

In America, we love giving people second chances. Just look at Robert Downey Jr, Kobe Bryant and Nick Nolte. Okay, maybe not Nolte. Even though these coins can't be redeemed at your local marketplace, you can still give them a chance at redemption.

Buy one of these sweet ancient Roman coins
Shop for other items at the Child Health Site Store

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