
Kiva loan update!

My first microloan through Kiva just got distributed today! A couple weeks ago, I loaned $25 to a team of caterers in Kireka, Uganda (Oliver Nabawuka, Elizabeth Namanda, Margret Nabukera, Zulaika Nabakooza, Zaituni Mudoobi). Here's a pic and a little more about them.

Zaituni (I believe she's the one on the right in the photo) owns a small restaurant. The groups asked for $1,350 in part so they can buy food warmers for the restaurant. Amazingly, the money was raised on Kiva.org in a single day from a total of 44 investors from a half dozen countries. Two weeks later, the money was given to this group of entrepreneurs. My first post on the Kiva service goes into more detail.

That just blows my mind. It's incredible to think I'm making such a direct, meaningful contribution clear across the world. Even if it was just $25, I feel like I have a personal stake in what happens in that corner of Uganda. Doubt I'd feel like that by writing a $25 check to a relief fund. Think about it: hundreds of millions of potential investors are scattered throughout the world, willing and able to help. Microloans are going to grow more and more popular and drive commerce and development more than we could ever imagine.

If you haven't checked it out yet, Kiva.org posts new loans every day.

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